After what can be best described as a stuttering start in 2016 it is now mandatory that a medical certificate is required to accompany all shotgun or firearms applications whether this is for a first-time Grant or a Renewal.
Unfortunately, the BMA (British Medical Association) withdrew from the initial arrangement with the Home Office, almost immediately, meaning that any GP could refuse to engage in this process. Not only does this continue to be the case, but with changing attitudes and pressures, more and more GP practices will either not provide this service or charge an exorbitant fee.
This left applicants high and dry. To provide a solution, BASC invited some of its medical members to form a panel to provide the service.
This medical panel started well, but with time, there were increasing concerns from BASC about maintaining a quality overview of the service provided to its members.
For this reason, BASC executives have now agreed that ShootCert, run by Dr Chris Garrett, will be the BASC preferred provider for any third-party medical verifications.
The decision for BASC & ShootCert to collaborate to provide firearm medical certificates was based on a review of the safeguards already in place within ShootCert and feedback from both Members and Firearms Licensing Departments. Chris Garrett has been a member of BASC for 40 years and his organisation is a BASC trade member.
Recent events mean that now, more than ever, our shooting sport is under increased scrutiny so it is vital that the system of Medical Verification is robust.
We are both sure that this collaboration is a tremendous step forward in giving a solution to BASC members and confidence in the Firearms Licensing process.
As a benefit, there is a discount for BASC members. For more information, members can contact their regional BASC Firearms Officer. If you’re looking to join BASC, you can find out about all the benefits of being a part of the UK’s largest shooting and conservation group.